Preparing Your Teen for Her First Period

How to Prepare Your Teen for Her First Period  

Menstruation is a natural part of growing up for young women. As a parent, it’s important to prepare your child for the physical and emotional changes that come with her first period. While this may be an uncomfortable conversation to have, it’s essential to ensure your daughter is prepared when she begins menstruating.


Explaining the Physical Changes

Your teen will likely experience physical changes before her first period arrives. She may notice body odor, breast tenderness, and acne around her face and chest area. It’s important to explain these changes so that she isn't surprised or uncomfortable when they occur. Additionally, make sure you explain the importance of hygiene during this time—it's important for her to practice proper hygiene habits to keep herself clean and healthy.

Talking About Emotions

It's also helpful to talk about the emotional side effects that can accompany a period such as mood swings or cramps. Explain how these emotions are normal and how there are ways to cope with them—like exercising or taking pain medication when needed. Letting her know that she can come to you if she needs help dealing with any of these feelings will go a long way in helping her feel more comfortable with what is happening in her body.

Provide Education & Resources

In addition to talking about the physical and emotional changes associated with menstruation, provide your teen with educational resources so she can learn more about what is happening in her body and feel more confident in managing it on her own. There are many books, websites, and videos available that provide detailed explanations on puberty, menstruation, and other related topics. You can also purchase menstrual products online or at local stores together so your daughter knows exactly what kind of products she needs each month when it comes time for her period.



Explaining a teen’s first period can be difficult but necessary as part of their growth into adulthood. Talking openly about the physical and emotional changes associated with menstruation can help ease discomfort during this time, as well as give your daughter the education she needs to manage this new stage confidently on her own. Make sure you provide resources like books or websites so your teen can expand upon what you have taught them about their changing body and its functions over the next few years!


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